Jesus told his followers to take the gospel to the nations. It is a great privilege and responsibility. We believe every person on the planet deserves to hear the message of Christ.

Missionaries around the world greatly appreciate all the prayers we can give them. The Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM) maintains Prayer Requests from missionaries in the field. Please visit the link below to find missions prayer guides.

We provide support to more than 170 missionaries and international workers. Many of these dedicated individuals, couples and families live and serve full-time in foreign countries. Others are doing work that is just as important in communities closer to home. They are reaching out to teenagers, college students, people with disabilities, prison inmates and underserved neighborhoods. Your support ensures these people can go to and stay in the place where they are serving. 100% of Faith Promise donations go into the mission field.

It is our hope that every person who considers Discover Church their home will participate in at least one Reach Team missions experience. You are invited to join our local and global effort to reach the spiritually lost, plant churches, train the next generation of leaders and serve the poor and suffering with compassion.
Jesus told his followers to take the gospel to the nations. It is a great privilege and responsibility. We believe every person on the planet deserves to hear the message of Christ.

Missionaries around the world greatly appreciate all the prayers we can give them. The Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM) maintains Prayer Requests from missionaries in the field. Please visit the link below to find missions prayer guides.

We provide support to more than 170 missionaries and international workers. Many of these dedicated individuals, couples and families live and serve full-time in foreign countries. Others are doing work that is just as important in communities closer to home. They are reaching out to teenagers, college students, people with disabilities, prison inmates and underserved neighborhoods. Your support ensures these people can go to and stay in the place where they are serving. 100% of Faith Promise donations go into the mission field.

It is our hope that every person who considers Discover Church their home will participate in at least one Reach Team missions experience. You are invited to join our local and global effort to reach the spiritually lost, plant churches, train the next generation of leaders and serve the poor and suffering with compassion.
On the night of His resurrection, Jesus told His disciples, “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you” (John 20:21, ESV). The Father sent the Son, the Father and the Son sent the Spirit, and Jesus sends His followers. God has sent the whole Church into all the world with the whole gospel. He has called us to participate in His mission to proclaim the gospel to all peoples everywhere. While evangelizing our communities and winning people to Jesus, we cannot neglect those who have no access or limited access to the gospel. This is why we have chosen this theme for 2024: Sent - All Peoples Everywhere. The local church has an important role in fulfilling God’s mandate (Matthew 28:19-20). Each church must cultivate an atmosphere where God can speak, and be willing to train, send, and support those whom God calls (Acts 13). Will you join with us in ensuring that all peoples everywhere hear the gospel?

On the night of His resurrection, Jesus told His disciples, “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you” (John 20:21, ESV). The Father sent the Son, the Father and the Son sent the Spirit, and Jesus sends His followers. God has sent the whole Church into all the world with the whole gospel. He has called us to participate in His mission to proclaim the gospel to all peoples everywhere. While evangelizing our communities and winning people to Jesus, we cannot neglect those who have no access or limited access to the gospel. This is why we have chosen this theme for 2024: Sent - All Peoples Everywhere. The local church has an important role in fulfilling God’s mandate (Matthew 28:19-20). Each church must cultivate an atmosphere where God can speak, and be willing to train, send, and support those whom God calls (Acts 13). Will you join with us in ensuring that all peoples everywhere hear the gospel?